Top Left to Right:
Squeeze Bench, Squeeze Design, 1997
Fourth and Fifth Autumn Collection for Time & Style, Japan , 2003, 2004
Touch Hear, Ubiquitous Text Recognition Dictionary, Design Incubation Centre, 2010
Kruce Eco Car, Hydrogen Power Vehicle, Collaboration Project with Department of Mechanical Engineering, 2010
Middle Left to Right:
Object that does nothing for Time & Style, Japan, 2003
Roly Poly, a device which enables two individuals to sense the presence of each other, Design Incubation Centre, 2008
Abe the Tummy Dummy, Abdominal Simulator for Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, Design Incubation Centre, 2012
d.lab x Perigot, Tyvek Bags for Perigot, France, 2013
Bottom Left to Right:
Object With an Existantial Crisis, Stool, Table for Time & Style, Japan, 2004
Design Incubator, A Prototype for New Design Practice, written by Patrick Chia, published by Laurence King, UK, 2013
Botanika, Laser Sintered Martini Glass Commissioned by Bombay Sapphire, 2009
d.lab edition, 2011